Hear caller names, senders of SMS &apps like Whatsapp without picking your phoneWho is Calling is a highly productivity app. Whos Calling is a caller,
Hear caller names, senders of SMS &apps like Whatsapp without picking your phone
Who is Calling is a highly productivity app. Who's Calling is a caller, sms and app talker that speaks out names of callers ids, unknown callers, SMS, messages, apps notifications etc so you don’t have to look at your phone.
Sometimes when you taking a shower, or you busy doing something and your phone rings, you wish you could know who’s calling before you pick up. Who’s calling will speak out true caller ids and names so you don’t have to touch your phone or tablet.
When you’re driving or the phone is in your pocket and you receive a message, Who’s calling will read the sender of the message plus the content of the message. To ensure privacy, you can prevent the content of messages from being read
Who’s calling can speak out senders of emails, chat messages from popular apps like WhatsApp, messenger, Facebook, gmail, yahoomail, twitter, instagram etc. It can speak it out notifications for all apps if you enable it.
Check out the video demo - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxorjVzSz_8
Some unique features that separate Who’s calling from other similar apps include:
- Speaks caller ids, unknown callers, messages, SMS, app toasts & notifications
- You can customize how messages are spoken. Example: “Ex-girlfriend is calling. Don’t pick up”
- Set number of times speech is repeated
- Select particular contacts/ caller ids to be spoken or ignored
- Select particular senders of messages to be spoken or ignored
- Privacy settings such as preventing content of messages from being spoken
- Security features to prevent unauthorized use
- You can increase or decrease volumes for spoken calls, messages and apps
- You can set the Speech rate and pitch (quality)
Plus many other great features
Who’s calling is a highly productive app. Try it for free and you won’t regret. Don’t forget to leave us a review :)